Clevedon Karate Kai

April 2019

Club Closures

Over Easter weekend we will not be training at Clevedon on Friday 19th April, at Nuffield Health on Saturday 20th April, or at Yatton on Monday 22nd April. To that end, as we have a lot of Easter eggs to get rid of, at Clevedon the eggs will be given out on Friday 12th April and at Nuffield Health on Saturday 13th April.


Our own WKU competition is in May and it would be good to see the club give more support to this competition. For our younger members there is always the Shobu Jukuren competition where they attack a dummy for thirty seconds showing off their skills. Then, of course there are the kumite and kata events. Please put your names forward for the event.


We have had a couple of occasions lately where the club etiquette has slipped. First of all, too much talking going on in the lines, but more to the point, students refusing to do what has been asked of them by a Dan grade. This will not be tolerated at all. It is not just a lack of respect for that Dan grade but a lack of respect for your club and fellow club members. Likewise, even if a 1st kyu is helping out at the front of a group, you will be expected to show them respect. We do like to have a friendly club with a bit of fun during training, but maybe it has slipped a little too far and needs reining in


Out of Date

Sarah Meredith, Maisey Porter, Sevin Kalupahana, Jude Howe, Caden Turner, Estella Cook.

End of April

John Green, Lewis Cocking, Fidel Hawker, Jake Wright, Noah Feurtado.
